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"Lebapgazchykarysh" Department

In the Lebap region, the Lebapgazchykarysh department, owned by the Turkmengaz State Concern, carries out production activities related mainly to the extraction of underground resources – natural gas and gas condensate, as well as the supply of gas to consumers through gas pumping facilities.
In total, the Lebapgazchykarysh department has 7 production units, that is, the production part of the Nayyp line for gas production and transportation, the production part of the Northern Balguyy line for gas production and transportation, the production part of the Kukurtli line for gas production and transportation, the residential operational part, the repair part equipment used, part of the overhaul and underground repairs of gas wells, a transport enterprise, and the indicated establishments and enterprises are located on the territory of the Darganata district.
In addition, in the gas extraction parts of the department there are gas purification with amine, gas drying, gas compressor and nitrogen-oxygen facilities. The specified gas facilities are operated in accordance with the requirements of the stipulated regulatory rules (regulations) of work.
As for the 3 gas production facilities under our department, Nayyp, North Balguyy and Kukurtli linear production facilities, there are a total of 21 gas fields, the Ojak gas field in the Darganata region in 1966, the Kukurtli gas field in 1970, the Nayyp gas field in 1972 , North Ojak gas field in 1972 (currently in conversions), North Nayyp gas field in 1976, Kerpichli gas field in 1978, Bovurdeshik gas field in 1980, North Balguyy gas field in 1984, Balguyy gas field in 2004, Gazly-Depe gas field in 2004, North Kerpichli gas field in 2006, Izmayyl gas field in 2009, Kerven and Baba-Arap gas fields in 2012, Sakar gas field in the Sayat region in 1978, gas field Malay in the Charjev district in 1986, the Bagaja gas field in 1990, the Farap gas field in 1993, the Chartak gas field in 2002, the Tajibay gas field in 2019, the Agarguy gas field in 2021 put into operation.
Gas from the Malay, Chartak and Tajibay gas fields with a design capacity of 45.0 million m³, commissioned in January 2021, is pumped by units of workshop “A” of the Malay gas compressor, and is cleaned around the clock at a gas drying facility with a volume of 50 million m³ using diethylene glycol and is released for export through the Malay-Bahtyyarlyk gas pipeline, owned by the Eastern Gas Pipeline department. The units of workshop “B” absorb natural gas released from the gas fields “Uchajy”, “Yolguyy” and absorb natural gas released from the “Karakum” gas compressor, raise the pressure and direct it to the “Malay-Bahtyyarlyk” gas pipeline, i.e. to the export route.
Also, at the Nayyp gas compressor facility, 4 gas compressor units are currently being developed (GCA No. 7,10,11,13) with a design capacity of 4,500 million ³ per day, of which 3 absorb processed gas at the Nayyp liquefied gas production complex and send it through gas measuring stations lines to the gas pipeline of the Dashoguzgazakdarysh department. 1 compressor No. 10 Nayyp, absorbs gas from the Northern Nayyp and Izmayyl gas fields and supplies it as raw material to the Nayyp complex for the production of liquefied gas.
At the Kerpichli gas field there are 4 gas compressor units (GCA No. 5,6,7,8). (Design capacity of gas compressor unit No. 5.6 7.500 million m³, Design capacity of gas compressor unit No. 7.8 6.500 million m³), of which 2 gas compressor units in working condition, stored in reserve, 2 gas compressor units in working condition pump gas from the Bovurdeshik gas fields , Kerpichli, Kukurtli, Northern Balguyy and gas pipelines owned by the Dashoguzgazakdarysh department, from a measuring point near the Cholluk production facility, pumps natural gas through the Kerpichli-Nayyp gas pipeline as raw material into the Nayyp complex for the production of liquefied gas.
At the complex gas treatment facility at the North Balguyy gas field, the design capacity is 6 million m³ per day of gas purification with amine from sulfur; in Gazlydepe, Balguyy gas field, sulfurous gases are purified from sulfur at a treatment facility with a chemical solution, gas from the non-sulfur part of the North Balguyy gas field together with gas from the Kerven-Babaarap gas fields, it is supplied to the Kerpichli GCP via the Northern Balguyy-Kerpichli gas pipeline.
At the integrated gas treatment facility at the Kukurtli gas field, the design capacity is 6 million m³ per day of a gas purification facility with an amine from sulfur, purifying gas from sulfur through a chemical solution, the Kukurtli-North, Balguyy-Kirpichli gas pipeline reaches Kerpichli GCA. Gas from the sulfur-free zone is supplied to the population of the Darganata region.
Gas from the Bagaja gas field, which belongs to the Lebap production department for the production of liquefied gas, after the production of liquefied gas, which ensures the purification of gas from Bagaja sulfur, is processed in a complex of pipeline facilities and enters the gas pipeline of the Gundogargazakdyrysh directorate, i.e. for domestic consumers.
In 2024 and in subsequent years, the rational and efficient use of raw materials and labor resources in the work will ensure the implementation of the department’s production plans, improvement of production, improvement of the financial situation, and reduction of enterprise costs. the cost of production, and since gas fields have been in operation for several years, and since the pressure of the underground formation decreases every year, its productivity also decreases, appropriate work is being carried out to increase the volumes of produced gas and gas condensate using gas compressor units.