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"Turkmenyoritenebitgazgurnama" Special Construction Trust

“Turkmenyoritenebitgazgurnama” Special Construction Trust
The “Turkmenyoritenebitgazgurnama” special construction trust was established on the basis of the order No. 109 of the Ministry of Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan dated December 20, 1993.
The trust was registered for the first time on March 1, 1994 with the number 40003212 by the State Agency for Foreign Investment under the President of Turkmenistan under the name “Turkmenyoritenebitgazgurnama” special construction trust of the Ministry of Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan.
The founder of the “Turkmenyoritenebitgazgurnama” special construction trust was registered by the Department of State Registration of Legal Entities and Investment Projects of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan on October 4, 2021, under the number 25817597. “Turkmenyoritenebitgazgurnama” specialized construction trust is the only state-owned industrial complex.
“Turkmenyoritenebitgazgurnama” special construction trust has full economic autonomy in production management and economic affairs. “Turkmenyoritenebitgazgurnama” special construction trust adheres to the Constitution of Turkmenistan, the laws of Turkmenistan, the decrees of the President of Turkmenistan, the decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, the orders of the state concern “Turkmengaz” as well as this charter. Organizational construction activities of the “Turkmenyoritenebitgazgurnama” special construction trust are approved by the “Turkmengaz” State Concern.”Turkmenyoritenebitgazgurnama” special construction trust has the right to carry out one or more types of work in accordance with the state classification of types of economic activities, and the types of activities that require the trust to be licensed, certified and receive other permitting documents, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of Turkmenistan then it can engage in activities.To conclude contracts and agreements with “Turkmenyoritenebitgazgurnama” special organization trust organizations and enterprises, to acquire property and non-property rights that do not conflict with the laws of Turkmenistan, to use the bank’s loans; supervising the work of independent departments; carrying out quality control of the construction and production of construction products; supervises the efficient use and maintenance of the Trust’s property and concludes a collective agreement with the labor group to provide additional incentive measures and improve the social and living conditions of the Trust’s employees
The special construction trust “Turkmenyoritenebitgazgurnama” carries out its work in accordance with the current laws of Turkmenistan and ensures the improvement of forms and methods of management of economic accounting, prepares specialists for the purpose of training, retraining and improving their skills. “Turkmenyoritenebitgazgurnama” is the final authority of the special construction trust under:
– 1st Special Construction Enterprise;
– 2nd Special Construction Enterprise;
– 3rd Special Construction Enterprise;
– 5th Specialized Construction Management Office;
– Production technological final institution;
– Directorate of construction facilities;
“Turkmenyoritenebitgazgurnama” belongs to the special construction trust. The above-mentioned institutions carry out one or more types of work and send the list of the work done to the trust.