- Home
- Social Services
- Hotel «Berkarar»
Hotel «Berkarar»
- Type: hotel.
- Year of opening: 2013.
- Number of seats: 387
- Room types:
- 1 local room;
- 2 bed room;
- family apartment;
- suite room;
- VIP number;
- Services:
- restaurants;
- cafe;
- pool;
- sauna;
- massage room;
- hammam;
- children’s swimming pool;
- aquapark;
- gym;
- disco;
- tennis court;
- billiards;
- bowling;
- mini golf course;
- polyclinic;
- pharmacy;
- tourist agency;
- cinema;
- game room;
- exchange office;
- Internet cafe;
- conference rooms;
- Address:
- Туркменистан, Национальная туристическая зона «Аваза»
- Phone:
- Тел: (800243) 5-76-35, 5-76-37 Факс: (800243) 5-76-36